Ercan Celik
Quality And Environmental Policy
- Directing our quality policy according to the information taken from our customers by providing coordination with out customers on operating and maintenance issues after our executed projects.
- Providing the best working conditions o our workers and supporting constant development and education.
- Being a leader institution in its sector with regard to technology and quality.
- Recognizing Total Quality Management as a living condition and fulfilling all of its requirements.
- We acknowledge and undertake to obey all conditions requested by laws, regulations, customers and ISO 9001:2008.
- Obeys the current laws and regulations by following the publications about environment.
- Controls the environmental pollution by minimizing it with environmental management system.
- Undertakes to develope environmental performance constanly.
- Uses methods reducing consumption of natural sources.
- Concentrates on re-using and re-cycling/re-evaluating processes.
- Obeys ISO 14001 environmental policy in every condition.